The biomimetic approach focuses on preserving the structure and function of your natural teeth first and foremost. There is a large emphasis on preserving healthy tooth structure, and biomimetic dentists actively save as much of the tooth as possible when restoring teeth.

Instead of drilling and removing decayed tooth material, biomimetic dentists work to treat and preserve the tooth that you still have. For example, instead of drilling out a crack in a tooth, they’ll sterilize it and fill it with a composite material to protect it from further damage and decay.

Biomimetic restorations also feel like natural teeth. Biomimetic dentists work to mimic nature as much as possible, including making the look and feel of their treatments as natural as possible. They use materials that replicate natural enamel and dentin as much as possible.

What is the biomimetic dental procedure?

A biomimetic dental procedure is any dental procedure that preserves as much of your natural tooth as possible using tooth-like materials.

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According to the Academy of Biomimetic Dentistry, the biomimetic approach is less invasive than the traditional approach. There’s less drilling involved — in fact, biomimetic dentists avoid using dental drills whenever possible and use other methods to sanitize teeth and treat decay.
Biomimetic dentistry focuses on rebuilding teeth, simulating the natural dentition as much as possible. Cavities and other lesions to the tooth are carefully repaired using advanced materials and adhesives so the tooth retains its inherent natural properties.
Traditional dentistry is much more invasive dentistry. Tooth tissues are commonly removed in traditional dentistry, and many of the restorative materials traditional dentists use to repair teeth are harder than natural teeth, which can result in shrinkage and cracked or damaged teeth.


Biomimetic dentists have a common goal to conserve their patients’ teeth in as natural a state as possible. They practice tooth-conserving dentistry using several biomimetic techniques, including removing as little actual tooth tissue as possible when treating cavities and infections.


Traditional dentistry and endodontics use root canal treatments to remove dental pulp and replace it with a material called gutta-percha. Traditional root canals leave teeth more susceptible to cracking and breaking because the gutta-percha isn’t as pliable as natural pulp.

Biomimetic dentistry works to repair natural pulp first and foremost, instead of removing it like traditional dentistry. They use natural methods to fight the bacterial invasion, including ozone therapy, preserving stem cells that can regrow and repair the pulp.
Through the biomimetic approach, patients can actually avoid needing a root canal because more of the natural tooth is repaired and preserved.


Traditional dentistry follows a drill and fill approach. Whenever a traditional dentist finds tooth decay, they’re trained to remove a lot of the natural tooth, including some healthy tooth tissue, to place a filling.

The materials used to repair cavities are also different. Traditional dentists have used amalgam to fill cavities, but biomimetic dentistry uses tooth-like composites for fillings and dental restorations.

What is a biomimetic filling?
A biomimetic filling is a cavity filling that replaces the natural tooth with materials that closely mimic the mechanical properties of natural dentin and enamel.

How long do biomimetic fillings last?
Biomimetic fillings last just as long as traditional fillings, and often longer. Biomimetic fillings that are properly applied should last a lifetime.

What is the difference between a biomimetic filling and a composite filling?
The difference between a biomimetic filling and a composite filling is the materials used and how they’re applied. Biomimetic fillings use materials that resemble natural teeth applied slowly in layers.


Biomimetic dentists work hard to repair teeth using materials that mimic and match the strength of natural teeth. Large cavities are filled with ceramic inlays or onlays with cusps that are just as strong as your natural enamel and look natural, too.
These restorative techniques also use materials with good bond strength so fillings and other restorations stay on the tooth for up to a lifetime. Some traditional fillings need to be redone in a few years, removing even more healthy tooth tissue in the process.

Ribbond Reinforcement
Made up of ultra-high molecular woven polyethylene fibers in kevlar vests, these fibers are woven to increase bond strengths in dental composite resins. They strengthen structurally compromised teeth and bridges cracks in teeth, acting as rebar. They allow biomimetic dentists to maximize the strength of adhesives while counteracting the fracture forces that teeth deal with on a daily basis, ultimately leading to less drilling of healthy portions of the tooth and minimally invasive restorative alternatives.


One hallmark of biomimetic dentistry is the delay of additional treatment or re-treatment. In some cases, putting off additional treatments can give the teeth time to heal.
For example, inflammation of the dental pulp can be reversible, depending on what’s causing the inflammation. Instead of a root canal, the best treatment could be to give the pulp the time it needs to heal itself.
By delaying treatment under the supervision of a biomimetic dentist, you’ll retain more of your natural tooth, and you can avoid unnecessary painful dental procedures. (Delaying dental care without consulting a dentist can be dangerous and can lead to life-threatening infections.)


There are many upsides to working with a biological dentist.
The benefits of biomimetic dentistry include:

  • Avoiding the use of toxic chemicals in your mouth
  • Preserving more of your natural teeth, which helps you eat and speak naturally
  • Use of materials that function like your teeth, which can keep the rest of your tooth healthy and promote oral health
  • Minimally invasive treatments that can reduce the need for anesthesia
  • Less invasive treatments also usually cost less, saving you money
  • Esthetically-pleasing (good looking) restorations that look and feel like your own teeth