Whitening, Lumineers, Veneers

Composite Bonding

A common solution known as Bonding for:

  • Fixing chipped or cracked teeth
  • Diminishing unsightly gaps or spaces between teeth
  • Covering discoloration or faded areas on the tooth’s surface.

Bonding is accomplished by laying a composite material to an existing tooth. Unlike veneers or crowns, composite bonding removes only a small amount, if any of the original tooth. Composite bonding is a quick procedure that usually last less than an hour.

Veneers/ Lumineers

The secret to those amazing smiles! Veneers are among the most popular and successful with our patients for improving and changing your look. Porcelain veneers or laminates are thin shells of porcelain custom fabricated to perfectly fit your teeth.

This involves removing a small amount of tooth structure to make room for the veneers. A thin porcelain shell is then fabricated from the impressions.

Once the veneers are secured to your teeth they are untraceable and you’ll have the smile of your dreams.

We can design your smile that meets your desire. From a highly cosmetic, bright perfect smile to natural looking teeth with twists and flaws that make your smile your own.

  • Repairing the Smile – Four Feldspathic Porcelain Veneers
  • Lengthening – Eight Feldspathic Porcelain Veneers
  • Bright and Beautiful – Eight Feldspathic Porcelain Veneers

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Do you desire a nicer color for your teeth?Would you like a brighter and healthier-looking smile? At Seneca Smiles, the dentists are expertly trained and experienced in assisting patients brighten their smiles with strong, safe, and effective teeth whitening.

In-Office Whitening
By implementing our in-office method, in just an hour, your teeth can lighten up to 10 shades.You can visibly watch as the stains disappear as we carefully apply a bleaching solution to your teeth, which activate it with a no-heat lamp. In-office whitening is perfect for patients wanting instant results that will last longterm.

“No Drilling” Conservative Fillings
ICON resin infiltration techniques removes white spot stains without use of a drill or anesthesia.