Root Canals

Our experienced doctors offer root canal therapy to alleviate pain and restore your oral health.

Root Canal Therapy

Root canals are necessary when tooth decay and bacteria affect the nerve tissue. If the decay is left without treatment for too long, it can reach the pulp within the tooth, which contains nerves. This typically leads to significant pain (as well as bleeding, inflammation, and bad breath), even if the damage isn’t visible from the outside of the tooth.

Root canal therapy can save the tooth by removing the decay, pulp, nerves, and bacteria. The open space is then filled with medicated dental materials. This process restores the tooth to its complete, natural function.

With root canal therapy, we prevent the death of the tooth, which would require a complete tooth extraction. Extractions can trigger problems with adjacent teeth and are costlier than root canals.

Root canals typically last a lifetime and effectively resolve the patient’s symptoms.

Signs You May Need a Root Canal

You may need a root canal if:

  • Tooth decay has spread to the tooth pulp.
  • The tooth has developed an infection or abscess.
  • The tooth has undergone severe injury or trauma. 

Our expert doctors will take the time to evaluate your condition and determine if root canal therapy is the best option for your oral health.


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